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Wormganic - Worm Castings

Worm castings are highly beneficial to the soil. They help the soil to maintain and hold onto moisture which keeps plants hydrated for longer instead of the soil just dispersing all of the water and completely drying out. It also introduces an uncountable number of beneficial microbes and bacteria into the soil guaranteeing the healthiest soil and plants possible. 

While worm castings are fantastic to use in your soil you shouldn't plant straight into the worm castings. Wormganic worm castings should be mixed in a 2:1 ratio into your soil with two parts soil one part wormganic. Then after that you should top the soil with the worm castings aproximately once a month and water thoroughly for the best possible results! 


Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen............................. 0.30%

0.01% Water Soluble Nitrogen\

0.29% Water Insoluble Nitrogen\

Available Phosphate (P205)....... 0.10%

Soluble Potash (K20)...................0.25%


(For our 8 Quart bag)

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